Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Luna Wolves AoBR Captain

I am trying out my hand at ... well ... painting well instead of vomiting on minis.
Here is the prototype for my marine repaint - Luna Wolves Captain Fester von Festerson (name may not be Warhammer canon).

I intend to do decent photos soon, this was a 3 minute this-morning job.

Some touchups, shoulder pad embellishments and a base TBC.

If I think its worth the effort will be entered into painting comp @ Cowcon - the local RTT.


  1. Looking great fes!

  2. I hereby officially nominate your blog for a "Stylish Blogger Award".

    I always enjoy reading your blog and your articles are an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work and check out my article that links to your blog here:


    Seb aka Warpaintguy

  3. I like the Luna Wolves scheme, and you are doing a great job on it. I look forward to seeing more!

  4. Just finished reading the Horus Heresy and was looking around the web for Luna Wolves stuff and saw your captain. Nice job!! and blog. I wanted to ask if you could add me to your blogroll? and I am doing the same for yours. Thanks look forward to seeing more Luna Wolves.

  5. Sorry my blog is http://aureliuslegion.blogspot.co.uk/
