Sunday, August 14, 2011

DIY Stormshield test

So I put my daughter to bed at 8.20, she started coughing at 8.40 and I took her into our bedroom 45 minutes later.

So much for a good hobby night - or so I thought...
I am chasing some C&C on the demo storm shield for my possible Lone Wolf for my Loganwing.

I know I need to do some detail to the back of the hand area, but apart from that?
Size OK? Style OK?

All I have done is shave down a Stormbolter hand and cut the shape from plasticard. I am thinking it might need some riveting around the edges, but I don't want it feeling too Orky in the same thought...

Oh, and to the other fathers out there - how do you manage Hobby Time with 2 rugrats. One kid I could do, but DS (dear son for those not in the know) has thrown a huge spanner in the works. I don't even have time to glue models together! Tonight was the first night in 4 weeks I managed to get something done - and even then it was a fight. Gah!


  1. but soon you could make up for it by putting them to work...

  2. Shield needs to be either smaller or curved or both. Otherwise it's a nice little conversion.

  3. I think it depends on age. When my kids were small, I did all my hobby work while they slept or were at preschool. I didn't get a lot done.
